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A Course in YOU

A Course in YOU

One of the mantras I use in my book, Selling You, is: Create. Live. Sell. I say it a lot. I live it. I breathe it. And there’s a reason for that. Who you are isn’t just a gimmick or a trend or some influencer-speak. It’s real. Every single person on this planet has a...

The personal brand you don’t know about

The personal brand you don’t know about

Maybe you’ve never felt the need to sit down and think through what kind of personal brand you would like others to associate with you. Or you don’t like putting labels on yourself or others, so coming up with a personal brand just isn’t for you. It could be that you...

Level Up Your Career

Level Up Your Career

I love May. Spring is settling, there’s the promise of the future for new graduates and we are headed into summer weather. With all this newness and revitalization, it’s a great time to level up – whether just starting your career, getting more from your current role...

Spring Clean Your Life

Spring Clean Your Life

Have you noticed all the stores are having sales on cleaning and organizing items? All the totes, tubs and mops have been moved to the front of the aisle for a reason: We tend to think of Spring Cleaning when those tulips start popping through the grass. This year I...

Successful Women

Successful Women

In honor of Women’s History Month, I want to take a moment to celebrate the pioneers, trailblazers and champions that created a path for me and countless others to get where they are today. As a business owner, I know how much ambition, strength and courage it takes...

Invest in Yourself Today

Invest in Yourself Today

In honor of February, the month of love, skip the roses and chocolate and focus a little to be more loving to yourself with some self-investment. There’s no better place to put your time and energy because if your cup is empty, you can’t help anyone else. And you know...

Ruthless Prioritization

Ruthless Prioritization

In Florida, there is a theme park where mermaids are one of the main attractions. They are dressed in tight, realistic costumes that are not exactly convenient to maneuver around when not in the water. Lunch breaks? Restroom stop? It’s not a 1-person job. In fact, the...

Kindness and gratitude

Kindness and gratitude

The year 2020 was a bit of a mess. And 2021 was only slightly better. It’s exhausting thinking about what 2022 holds, right? I am choosing to be optimistic about the future. That’s the keyword: Choosing. There’s a lot of different emotions swirling around as we wrap...

The Familiar Zone

The Familiar Zone

A friend of mine worked for the CEO of a large non-profit organization. She was in marketing and public relations, but the CEO wanted her to oversee fundraising. She panicked. Not only did she hate the idea of asking people for money, she had never done this before....

Tech Vacation

Tech Vacation

Summer is synonymous with vacation. It’s warm, the kids don’t have school and you need a break. Maybe with a frosty adult beverage in your hand and a hammock. But how many of us truly break away? Remember in the old days, we didn’t have a phone with infinite...

Stress vs burnout

Stress vs burnout

It happens every year about this time – I start hearing about burnout from others. It’s almost like we haven’t had enough holidays or taken enough time off to refresh and reset. But something I’ve noticed lately is we tend to confuse stress with burnout. They are two...

Is your personal brand really ‘you’?

Is your personal brand really ‘you’?

Personally and professionally, you have a brand – whether you know it or whether you like it or not! Creating a personal brand for yourself is important whether you’re hoping to become a social influencer or you simply want to make a good impression on your bosses and...

The value of a mini vacation

The value of a mini vacation

It’s almost time for Spring Break. Remember those good old days of vacation, when you got a week off from school to relax, sleep in and catch up on your favorite TV shows? Wouldn’t it be lucky if every company gave employees a Spring Break? OK, that’s probably not...

COVID and kindness in sales and life

COVID and kindness in sales and life

As the pandemic stretches on, it’s harder and harder to be kind to each other and ourselves. Maybe your patience is stretched thin. You’re bored. You’re sick of take-out or cooking. Maybe you cannot bear to reset your Wi-Fi one more time! COVID can take a lot away...

Why you’re not getting hired

Why you’re not getting hired

It’s so discouraging, isn’t it? You think the interview or performance review goes great, and then you get passed over for the job yet again. Are you starting to wonder why you aren’t getting hired?  My friend Jennifer works in the Human Resources Department for a...

Time to Change Career Paths?

Time to Change Career Paths?

It’s that time again! Another year is coming to a close (thank goodness, right??), so it’s time to take stock of your personal and professional life, and evaluate your happiness and satisfaction. After the craziness of 2020, are you still being fulfilled? Did you only...

Gratitude Takes Guts

Gratitude Takes Guts

Gratitude takes guts. If the year 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that there’s a lot that can bring us down. Sometimes it takes more to find the good, the silver lining, the gifts.In 2019, one of my team members had a rough year. Every few weeks, some new tragedy,...

Goal Getter

Goal Getter

A friend of mine often tells me about her office coworkers. She really appears to work harder than everyone around her, but often has little to show for it. For as much energy as she pours into work, she is often just spinning her wheels. The truth is, she is actually...

Knee-capping Your Career

Knee-capping Your Career

“I just want to remind you this project is due tomorrow!”  “Just checking in to see where you are with that assignment.”   Have you ever written those sentences? Or what about, “I kinda feel like maybe you should not do that”? What’s wrong with those sentences? It’s...

Six-Figure Swagger

Six-Figure Swagger

Recently, talking with my friend Cathy about an upcoming job decision she needed to make, I was stunned when she said she wasn’t sure she deserved such a large jump in pay. Where was her swagger? Two organizations were fighting over her – each one kept upping the...

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