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You are not your mistakes

You are not your mistakes

Remember the HBO Max intern who accidentally sent a test integration email to subscribers a few years ago? It’s been making the rounds on social media lately again, and it got me thinking about how we handle mistakes. The company handled it good-naturedly and...

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The Value of Coaching

The Value of Coaching

If there was a superpower you could channel for your business life, as well as your personal life, to bring you clarity and help you focus on real goals, would you use it?   Of course you would! Your superpower is this: the objective, outside perspective and guidance...

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Where the sun don’t shine

Where the sun don’t shine

I love May. For me, not only does it mean more sunshine and the promise of summer days peeking around the corner, but it’s also my birthday month. Yes, I said month. Y’all know I like to celebrate! (No negative thinking here!) Birthdays are a big calendar marker. Not...

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