About Dr. Cindy
The 1st Lady of Sales®

Top-rated speaker, best-selling author and consultant Dr. Cindy® is on a mission to empower people and companies to get what they want … through sales! Yep, “sales,” that icky word that makes people cringe.
How did she learn to embrace that dreaded activity? After years of consulting companies and helping them grow their business, she had an epiphany: every job really is a sales job. And every person is a salesperson.
Throughout her careers as a college professor, a salesperson and a consultant, Dr. Cindy realized that people can get more of what they want in work AND in life by using the skills of sales professionals.
She is in fact a doctor – although not the medical kind! – with her master’s in Communication and doctorate in Organizational Communication with an Emphasis in Organizational Leadership and Ethics. Today she focuses on bringing companies and people together to grow their businesses and get what they want in life and in work. Because, believe it or not: you were born with sales skills, and Dr. Cindy wants to help you embrace your inner sales person to get what you want and deserve.
And it’s not tough, she uses a simple five-step formula that’s easy to remember, easy to stick to, and easy to achieve. But it’s so revolutionary that once she redefines the concept of sales, the world will need a new word for it!