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Why you’re not getting hired

Why you’re not getting hired

It’s so discouraging, isn’t it? You think the interview or performance review goes great, and then you get passed over for the job yet again. Are you starting to wonder why you aren’t getting hired?  My friend Jennifer works in the Human Resources Department for a...

Time to Change Career Paths?

Time to Change Career Paths?

It’s that time again! Another year is coming to a close (thank goodness, right??), so it’s time to take stock of your personal and professional life, and evaluate your happiness and satisfaction. After the craziness of 2020, are you still being fulfilled? Did you only...

Gratitude Takes Guts

Gratitude Takes Guts

Gratitude takes guts. If the year 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that there’s a lot that can bring us down. Sometimes it takes more to find the good, the silver lining, the gifts.In 2019, one of my team members had a rough year. Every few weeks, some new tragedy,...

Goal Getter

Goal Getter

A friend of mine often tells me about her office coworkers. She really appears to work harder than everyone around her, but often has little to show for it. For as much energy as she pours into work, she is often just spinning her wheels. The truth is, she is actually...

Knee-capping Your Career

Knee-capping Your Career

“I just want to remind you this project is due tomorrow!”  “Just checking in to see where you are with that assignment.”   Have you ever written those sentences? Or what about, “I kinda feel like maybe you should not do that”? What’s wrong with those sentences? It’s...

Six-Figure Swagger

Six-Figure Swagger

Recently, talking with my friend Cathy about an upcoming job decision she needed to make, I was stunned when she said she wasn’t sure she deserved such a large jump in pay. Where was her swagger? Two organizations were fighting over her – each one kept upping the...

Confidence: Fake It ‘Til Ya Make It

Confidence: Fake It ‘Til Ya Make It

Whether you’ve just graduated, or you’re a seasoned pro, we all have career decisions that give us some anxiety. Recently, a friend’s teenager asked her, “How am I supposed to get a job based on experience if no one will hire me and give me experience?” Knowing that...

Pits, Valleys and Crevasses

Pits, Valleys and Crevasses

Recently, I was reading the story about the man who fell into a deep, tight crevasse while hiking and had to cut off his arm in order to climb out and survive. That’s hardcore. But it got me to thinking: How many of us how been in a hole of a different shape and size?...

Time Management in a Pandemic

Time Management in a Pandemic

Is it just me, or have you noticed that when we only have one thing on the To-Do List, we get nothing done, but if we have 15 things on the list we get most of them done?? I think it’s all about momentum. For some of us, having lots to do is about time management: We...

Don’t Lock Down Your Goals

Don’t Lock Down Your Goals

When we face unprecedented change and disruption, it seems easier to succumb to the desire to shut down, withdraw and give up rather than to step up to the challenge or complete your goals. If this describes what you’re feeling right now, rest assured that it’s...

How to sell with sensitivity

How to sell with sensitivity

What weird and trying times we are in! I know people are afraid. Afraid of getting sick, losing money in their retirement, having enough to eat, being able to pay their mortgage, spending money. It’s times like these that we might be tempted to think: I can’t sell...

Selling yourself  is not “luck”

Selling yourself  is not “luck”

My friend Jamie gets whatever she wants in life. She seems so lucky. We meet for lunch and she can always persuade the manager to give us the best table. She can turn almost any “no” she hears into a “yes.” At work, she is the top sales rep every month. People...

Herding Cats for a Living

Herding Cats for a Living

Keeping teams in line and working toward a single goal is a huge challenge; not everyone is cut out to build teamwork! My friend Roxy has an executive assistant sent from the heavens. She’s proactive, efficient, detailed, and can amazingly manage to connect multiple...

Turning Good Behaviors into Great Habits

Turning Good Behaviors into Great Habits

What goals are really important to you? What are you doing today to help you achieve those goals? Your success is directly related to your deeply rooted habits! What you do, consistently and naturally, translates into how well you will succeed. And sometimes it is...

Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries

You put in countless hours and pour your heart and soul into accomplishing your plan. But no matter how hard you try; it just doesn’t seem to be working.

My plan isn’t working… now what??

My plan isn’t working… now what??

You put in countless hours and pour your heart and soul into accomplishing your plan. But no matter how hard you try; it just doesn’t seem to be working.

Building a network

Building a network

Your network can determine your success! Knowing the right people in the right places can enable you to land that dream job, acquire that ideal client and really excel at what you do.

Making Yourself Accountable

Making Yourself Accountable

The truth is, your success depends upon your accountability. You are the only one who can really do this! Here’s how to motivate yourself to your best level of achievement. After all, it is up to you! 

Finding the courage to quit

Finding the courage to quit

Do you find that your job no longer challenges you? Or maybe your work environment is just downright toxic? So much of your life is spent on your career, so that time should be satisfying! If you are miserable, what is the point?! It may be time to quit!Ooh, yep. I...

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