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Be Nice

Be Nice

It’s amazing what you can get done when you’re nice. I recently moved across the country. Again. Now, you know, moving is not fun. It’s stressful, it’s hectic, it’s tiring. And then there’s the unpacking to do!   The first morning my husband and I woke up in our new...

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Are you fighting self-doubt? Do you fear you won’t be able to maintain your current level of success? Do you doubt your competency or think you aren’t worthy of your accomplishments? Are you certain everyone around you will someday realize you are a fraud? You...

Creating Time

Creating Time

A friend of mine was recently chatting with a group of other entrepreneurs about their struggles in start-up businesses. There were a lot of common themes like managing multiple clients, drumming up a new business, what business management products to buy and dealing...

Transferable Skills

Transferable Skills

Recently I commiserated with a friend whose boss, the CEO of a large organization, had charged her with learning to do fundraising. That word alone makes some people cringe, doesn’t it?   My friend protested to the CEO, coming up with every excuse to not accept the...

Reputation Management

Reputation Management

Warren Buffet once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.” Benjamin Franklin said, “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” In...



FOMO, fear of missing out, is actually an ancient idea, brought more to the forefront by social media. Now, we have access to a bajillion ideas, thoughts, events…and (insert suspenseful music here)… the perfection of other people’s lives. And it’s made our...

Reading the Signs

Reading the Signs

We’ve talked about the finesse and impact of small talk, overcoming shyness, and not being overly pushy. So let’s now chat about the fine art of shutting up and watching body language instead! Sometimes we tend to talk ourselves out of a LifeSale!   Sometimes that...

Prepare to Hear Yes

Prepare to Hear Yes

Isn’t it ironic that one of the first words a child usually learns to say is “no”? Especially when all we want to hear – at any age - is YES!  Unfortunately, some people grow up and set themselves up to hear “no” in every situation. They feel life is out to get...

Being Grateful

Being Grateful

Have you ever done something nice for someone and didn’t hear ‘thank you’ or any kind of appreciation? It’s not like I set out to hear ‘thank you’ all day long, but let’s face it – some things deserve a little shout out of gratefulness!   My friend, Jessica, and her...

A Sales Plan

A Sales Plan

Do you work to live or live to work? A have a friend who was on-call 24/7/365. It was in her contract. She was paid very well for the inconvenience but calls at 1 a.m. were becoming all too common. One day, during a staff meeting, her team was teasing her about how...

Overcoming Shy

Overcoming Shy

Let’s face it, being shy has a bad rap. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Shy people simply approach ideas and people from a different angle. And that’s what makes diversity so much more rich – different approaches.   My neighbor Keith is painfully shy – so much so...

Fear and F.E.A.R.

Fear and F.E.A.R.

Did you know there are more than 100 commonly diagnosed phobias? There are hundreds more uncommon ones too! WOW! That’s a lot of fear! What’s worse is that people are commonly more afraid of public speaking than they are of death. Not kidding here!  Spiders, germs,...

Small Talk

Small Talk

Scientists Bernardo Carducci at Indiana University Southeast says, “Every great romance and each big business deal begins with small talk.” I could not agree more!  If you’ve ever been stuck at the baby shower, or the office holiday party talking about the weather,...

Leveraging your network

Leveraging your network

‘It’s not what you know, but who you know’. We’ve all heard that phrase, but how true is it? Pretty true as it turns out!  I have talked a lot about the need to have a plan, but in order to execute that plan, you are probably going to need some help. A little help...

Don’t be pushy

Don’t be pushy

I recently was coaching a sales person named Mitch. He has a great personally, affable and really enjoys people. When he attends networking events, he lights up – and so do the people he’s talking to. But when it comes to selling, he quickly goes for the sales...

Live up to your YES

Live up to your YES

My friend Teresa struggled in school. She didn’t fit into any of the typical academic boxes. By the time she was in junior high, she thought she wasn’t very smart. Her teachers called her a daydreamer or flighty. One day a teacher in class caught her doodling. He took...

Making decisions

Making decisions

A colleague of mine was in the lucky position to choose among many paths in her career. Her current employer wanted her to stay and offered her a raise. A different company offered her a new position where she would be able to create her own job description. And yet,...

Someone Else’s Career

Someone Else’s Career

Have you ever woken up one morning and thought, “Whose life is this?!” or ‘How did I get here?!” You’re not alone. I have a neighbor who had a great plan for her life. She was going to marry her high school sweetheart, have the career of her dreams and have about...

Passion and Plans and Pitfalls

Passion and Plans and Pitfalls

You know I preach the beauty of a plan to get what you want, but how about feeling a sense of inner peace and life direction?? Now that’s worth a million plans!   My friend, Michelle, is not a long-term planner. Her husband John is very much a long-term visionary kind...

Finding the Win-Win

Finding the Win-Win

You never know when a “sales” opportunity will show up – in a job or in your life – and sometimes in the darndest places! Sales isn’t always about selling a product – it’s about selling YOU – including embracing an opportunity that seems completely hopeless. You never...

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