Hey there, September! My how you snuck up on us. The fresh smell of office supplies, maybe new shoes? You know what that means: It’s time to rev up our sales engines and refresh our personal brand and your sales goals for a fantastic fall. Just like going back to school with new energy and goals, take a moment to capitalize on the changing seasons and fresh opportunities.
You sell yourself every single day. In everything you do and don’t do. But selling yourself is more than just refreshing your personal branding. It’s about taking a step back, evaluating how you want to be perceived, and crafting a narrative that authentically represents your strengths, values, and achievements. The opportunities you grab should be aligned with your goals and aspirations. Selling should be personal. What is your personal sales style saying?
Shake off the dust
Here are some ways to amp up your self-selling skills and make the most of the business buzz this season brings.
- Update Your Online Presence: When was the last time you had professional pictures taken? Revamp your social media accounts and professional platforms. Update your pictures and bio with keywords that showcase your expertise and make you stand out to potential connections. If you’re feeling less-than-creative about it, AI can be a nice way to kickstart the brainstorming.
- Voice Your Value. What makes you special? What’s your superpower? Practice delivering your differentiators with confidence (and concisely) – whether you’re networking at events or introducing yourself in meetings. Think of ways you can grab attention and spark conversation.
- Network Strategically: Attend industry events, join relevant online communities, and reach out to past colleagues or mentors. Building and nurturing professional relationships can open doors to new opportunities and referrals. A friend of mine makes it a goal to attend at least two industry events each season. Her connections at these have opened numerous doors and brought in game-changing clients. Nervous about networking? Check out this past blog.
- Refine Your Communication Skills: Practice active listening, ask thoughtful questions and tailor your communication style to resonate with different audiences. Intentional communication is key to building relationships and closing deals. What’s the #1 killer of sales? Not listening – really hearing what your client is and is not saying!
- Continuously Learn and Adapt: Stay updated on industry trends, attend workshops or courses and seek feedback from peers or mentors. Look into coaching and online learning. Embracing a growth mindset and adapting to market changes brings long-term success. Be known as someone who is well-versed in every aspect of your field.
- Follow Up and Follow Through: Don’t let leads or opportunities slip through the cracks. Stay top-of-mind for your connections. Nurture relationships with consistent communication and deliver on promises to build trust and loyalty. I have a client whose first daily to-do item is sending emails or texts to anyone he connected with the day before. Not just clients but also friends and personal interactions. Not only is this habit a great way to keep his days organized, but it also keeps him connected to people from all aspects of his life.
By getting into the back-to-sales spirit of September, you’ll be well-equipped to sell yourself effectively and capitalize on the business momentum that comes with the fall season. Whether it’s updating your online presence, telling others how you bring value to the table, or expanding your network, make it easy for you to move to the class (maybe even make the Dean’s List?)!